salesforce service cloud, lightning knowledge is a vast subject which is tricky and sometimes challenging as well. Explore and implement the best practices
as per the business requirements. Developers and admins must understand the
importance of data categories for lightning knowledge success in any organization.
the name indicates data categories are used to classify or categorize a different set of knowledge articles, ideas, answers and Chatter answers in the
salesforce. The scope of this post is limited to the categories in knowledge articles.
Benefits of using
data categories
1. Classification of articles
Knowledge uses data categories to classify articles and make them easier to search.
For example, to classify the articles based on geography, we can create geography as the data category group with all the countries as the categories.
Refer to the screenshot below
we create an article for a specific country, we can map it to the country
available in the geography data category group.
is useful when users want to search the articles based on the country or
2. Visibility of the articles
categories are useful in defining the visibility of the articles. Using the
Role > Data category visibility settings, we can restrict the article access
for certain set of users.
shown in the above image, users with the marketing role will be able to see
only the articles that are mapped to the geography India.
addition to the roles, we can configure the knowledge article visibility from the
profiles and permission sets.
3. Recommendations in the knowledge widget
are the list of articles that are suggested in the standard lightning knowledge component within the case page layout during the initial load.
are displayed based on multiple parameters. Category
mapping is one of those on the list. Data category mapping helps to apply an extra filter on the article
The mapping defines which case field to be mapped with which data category group
and set a default data category for cases that have no value for the mapped
fields. For example, we can map the customer country field in the case level to the
geography data category to filter the articles based on the country.
example, If the case level customer country field is having value as ‘India’
for case# 001234, whenever the case is loaded, it will display all the articles in
the knowledge component which are mapped to the data category geography ‘India’.
That is it. These
are the main benefits of using the data categories in salesforce. Advise if I missed anything here.
your feedback in the comments section below. Stay tuned for more content. Thank you.